Future of AIA Chain
The future, like the internet itself, is infinitely configurable. While its exact nature is unknown, we can identify key forces that will shape it and tools that will drive us there.
Privacy: Blockchain activity and data are inherently visible. However, privacy is about choice—whether activities should be transparent or hidden. While default technological tools may not offer privacy protection, many solutions built on top make it possible. Technologies like zero-knowledge proofs offer opportunities to maintain data integrity while enabling computations that modify it.
Private Data Privacy: Not all blockchain use cases require the full public security and protection of every transaction. Sometimes, user alliances or single entities prefer running a main chain where they control all validation and periodically check back to the main chain for security or activity validation and communication. In such cases, specialized fragments may use a predetermined set of validators, making them private moving nodes.
Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices represent the lowest processing power and highest number of available CPUs compared to mobile devices, offering unique scalability opportunities.
Composable Components (Open Networks): The dream of open networks is to allow all available applications to be easily assembled to create new functionalities. This concept is akin to how modern smartphones leverage GPS, cameras, and internet connections. As AIA Chain's global state becomes accessible to all applications, this future will become a reality.
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