Information Provision Purpose

The information listed here is conceptual and describes the future development goals of the AIA Chain platform. Specifically, the project roadmap in the white paper is shared to outline the AIA Chain team’s plans and is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute any binding commitments. When making purchasing decisions, do not rely on this information, as the development, release, and timing of any products or features are ultimately determined by the Foundation, distributors, or their subsidiaries and may change. Additionally, the white paper or website may be updated or replaced from time to time. There is no obligation to update the white paper or website or provide access to any information beyond what is currently available. Regulatory Approval:

  • No regulatory body has formally or informally reviewed or approved any information listed in the white paper or website. The publication, distribution, or dissemination of this information does not imply compliance with any jurisdiction's laws, regulations, or rules.

Warning on Forward-Looking Statements:

  • All statements in this document, including those in press releases or publicly accessible statements, as well as any oral statements made by the Foundation, distributors, and/or team members, may constitute forward-looking statements. These include statements about market intentions, beliefs, or current expectations regarding conditions, business strategy, plans, financial status, specific regulations, and risk management practices. Given that these forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, actual future results may differ materially from those described. No independent third-party has reviewed the validity of these statements or assumptions. These forward-looking statements are only applicable as of the date shown in the white paper, and the Foundation, distributors, and the AIA Chain team expressly disclaim any responsibility (whether implied or explicit) for updating forward-looking statements to reflect events occurring after that date.

Last updated